How much does it cost to re-clad your home on a basic budget in the United Kingdom?

When it comes to cladding, perception can be everything. Due to the leaky building crisis, there's still a widespread wariness around the 'chilly bin' houses from the 1990s – even those that have been given the all-clear. So whether you're ready to reclad – or just curious to know what's involved – we provide you with the basic recladding costs.

Basic home re-cladding
ARTICLE Libby Schultz IMAGE Abodo/Jeremey Toth

How much does basic recladding cost?

If you’re recladding the likes of a sturdy state house, or a trusty brick-and-tile, your renovation project is likely to be straightforward. But even with a low-risk home, there’s still a chance you’ll find more than you bargained for.
The first thing to know about recladding costs is that your renovation consultant probably can’t give you a 100% fixed price upfront. There are several factors that affect the cost – and only some of them are known from the outset.
Firstly, of course, there’s the size of your home. A simple one-level home will be more cost-effective to reclad than one with multiple storeys or a complex design. You’ll also pay more if your home is situated on a steep or tricky site, because it will need more extensive scaffolding.
Cost will also depend on the amount of remedial work needed. The moment of truth arrives when you strip back your existing cladding, and reveal the state of the framing underneath. Either your existing framing is in good shape, or it needs replacing.
One of Refresh Renovations' Consultants, says this is the single biggest factor that can affect the cost – and it’s also the biggest unknown.

What is the leaky home syndrome and why did it happen?

Problems like poor plaster cladding and design, coupled with shoddy building practices, are a perfect storm of bad surprises that have traditionally led to leaky homes. Plaster as a cladding got stuck with a bad name.
“Clients are telling us they want to get away from the stigma of plaster, whether it’s leaky or not,” say our Refresh Renovations Builders.
The year your house was built can provide clues to your level of risk, but "you won’t know for sure that your framing is sound until the framing has been exposed", say our Refresh Renovations Builders.
“And if you come across anything that isn’t up to Code, it will have to be rectified.”
In one of her projects, the owners of a potentially leaky home had previously received the all-clear from their testing company.
“The owners still wanted to get rid of the plaster…and when we took the cladding off, a lot of the timber was in fact damaged and had to be replaced.”
Timber rotting behind cladding

What are the costs involved in recladding?

Moisture-testing can never accurately predict the condition of the framing underneath, say our Refresh Renovations Builders, given that it’s done on a spot-testing basis. So when preparing estimates for her clients, she always includes a calculation for the ‘worst-case scenario’ of having to replace all the timber.
As a very broad guideline, an average cost to replace all the timber, including labour, is around £2,800 per elevation.
So that’s approximately £11,500 for a one-storey home, and £23,000 for a two-storey home.
The more common scenario, though, is that only a proportion of the timber needs replacing. Any timber that is wet, decaying, mouldy (or displaying black spores) will have to go. You might have seen the ‘pink-tagged’ framing on building sites.
“Once the framing is exposed, we engage an independent timber consultant who inspects it, and tags the timber that needs to come out,” our renovation builders explain.
“After that’s replaced, we have to inject the new timber and all the existing remaining timber with a preservative compound.”
Workers re-cladding second storey of home

Do I need Building Consent for my recladding project?

As you’d expect, you may need paperwork for your recladding project. Check with your local planning authority (LPA). According to the UK's Planning Portal, if you live in a listed buidling or a conservation or other protected area, you'll most likely need it. Outside of that, "cladding may be carried out without having to first apply for planning permission provided the materials are of a similar appearance to those used in the construction of the house." Your LPA will be the final word, so keep a budget of a few hundred quid in your back pocket just in case - if you don't use it, you can always allocate it elsewhere.
Depending on the workload of the council inspection teams, these visits can involve a wait of several weeks. Mis-timing these inspections is a common pitfall for first-time renovators, says Ben King, a construction manager with Refresh Renovations.
“You don’t want to be tools-down for two weeks while you wait for your inspection to happen,” says Ben.
“An experienced project manager knows to pre-book the inspections, then communicate with the builders to keep progress on track.”

If it looks like your project might be a bit more than anticipated, it is worth reading mid-range and high-end recladding costs to see the additional benefits you can get out of a higher end recladding job.

Note: Prices are rough approximations only and Refresh Renovations cannot be held accountable for their accuracy. All prices in this article are exclusive of installation costs and any variations unless otherwise noted.

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*All information is believed to be true at time of publishing and is subject to change.

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