How long does a home renovation project take in the UK?

Want to know how long you should expect to be waiting for your renovation to be completed? Check out this article about the timeframes of home renovations in the UK.

moving in after renovation

Inevitably there is no such thing as a standard home renovation project as each one is unique with its own specification and challenges. The likely schedule for any project will be influenced by a number of factors including the location, the configuration of the building, its age, its general state of repair, the nature of the renovation, whether planning permission is required and the availability of materials and labour, among others. As a result, it is almost impossible to confirm the schedule for a home renovation without a detailed design and build consultation. That said, however, it is possible to look at the key milestones from a standard home renovation project in order to understand the sort of timescales that might be required.

How long does a home renovation take?

A Refresh Renovation specialist estimates that to renovate a standard two-bedroom house, for example, will take somewhere between four and eight months. ‘At Refresh we have extensive experience of renovating properties of all shapes and sizes,’ says the specialst. ‘Simpler projects can take a matter of weeks, but a full home renovation is likely to take up to eight months, or even longer in some cases. There’s no doubt that embarking on a full home renovation can be somewhat daunting, especially for the first-time renovator, and that’s where we come in. With our five-step Renovation Process, we’re able to scope every project and put together an accurate costing and schedule to ensure that there are no surprises throughout the life of the project.’

The Refresh Process involves five key stages:

  1. Initial consultation
  2. Concept and feasibility
  3. Working drawings and costings
  4. Construction
  5. Your finished home ## Initial consultation During the initial consultation phase we meet with you to discuss your hopes and aspirations for the renovation in order to create a design and build specification that will deliver the best possible outcome for the budget that is available. This phase is all about discussion, and we recommend that all decision makers are present during each meeting in order to cover every aspect of the project. We like to take our time over this phase of any renovation project in order to avoid any surprises further down the road. In most cases the initial consultation phase will last anywhere up to four weeks, and it is always time well spent. ## Concept and feasibility This next step is about translating your requirements into conceptual drawings to enable us to assess the feasibility of the project. During this phase it’s possible to look at any restrictions that might limit the project and to make changes to the specification before drawing up outline costings and draft schedules. This is also the time to stop, pause and think about the project and the concept as it’s far more cost-effective to make any changes during this phase rather than at a later stage. Allowing for time for reflection this phase will take around four weeks. ## Working drawings and costings Once the concept is agreed, we move on to creating working drawings to incorporate all the ideas that have been discussed. This process also allows us to produce a detailed budget and schedule for discussion. The budget will include any structural work, design features, materials and labour that are required. Should changes to the specification or budget be required these can be discussed and agreed during this phase, and we also take responsibility for obtaining any planning consents that are needed. The working drawings and costings phase will usually take between four and eight weeks, but can take longer if a planning application is to be submitted. ## Construction We manage every aspect of the build, ensuring that all contractors complete their work in a timely fashion and to the very highest standard. The build phase is multi-layered so it’s vital to ensure that each element is carried out at the right time and doesn’t cause any delays to related tasks that need to be completed in order to proceed. Our rigorous approach to scheduling and quality control means that every aspect of the build is managed to minimise delays and maximise efficiency. The construction schedule will depend on the specific project, but we recommend allowing up to four months for the build. ## Your finished home Your finished home will be achieved once all snagging is completed and any building regulations paperwork has been signed off. As the the Refresh Renovation specialist observes, invariably this is the most satisfying phase. ‘Our methodical approach to the planning, design, scheduling, budgeting and construction means that we invariably complete projects on time and to everyone’s satisfaction. Whether it’s a one-bedroom flat or a large detached house, we know that by following the Refresh process we involve the homeowner in every aspect of the project and thereby avoid any unforeseen surprises at any stage. The results speak for themselves.’ ## Interested to find out more? We offer a free one-hour, no obligation consultation – get in touch today.
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